Saturday, June 16, 2012

Month 23

Busy Travelers
Wesley loves his little guys. He loves to have them visit China and India. And they do, many times a day. What do they do in these faraway countries? Look at pandas and tigers, eat Chinese and Indian food, visit the yogis and do tai chi, of course. How do they get there? They take tractors, lego-trucks, and various cars. They occasionally visit Whole Foods or The Farmer's Market.

Dark still needs Chinese food
Wesley prefers playing this to any other activity, by a landslide.

His perfect pronunciation of Ankylosaurus makes me smile

Wesley named each of his little guys, except for one. "Dark" and "New" are featured above. "New Guy", "Mouse(y)", Kevin (we named him), and Donkey are present at the tea part below. Pegleg is not in attendance.

Tea party in New's garden

Lego plane

Wesley now uses a lot of them. A large portion of his communication is still not in sentences, but full sentences are definitely intermixed with his other words.

Wesley absolutely loves his books. They inform his play as he acts out scenarios in the books we are currently reading. They inform his language as he incorporates words and phrases he hears. And reading together is one of his favorite activities.

Wesley has begun telling stories this month. They are simple, sweet little stories that are becoming more complex all the time. His own stories might sound like this...
"Amalope (antelope) passing by...SUDDENLY Zebra passing by...Wesley driving says go-go-ga-ga ::hysterical laughter"

He also likes to tell stories together. That is, we offer part of the sentence including connector words and he fills in many of the nouns, activities, and content of the story.

He calls it "singing a song". He'll say, "Mommy, sing a song, dump truck" which is a cue to tell a story featuring a dump truck.

Happy Toddler
He's such a happy little, funny character...

At Bodega

At a garage sale, we found a tiny little sandbox including mini construction trucks. He gets so focused on scooping with the tiny shovel, pushing the bulldozer around, and loading up his concrete mixer with little scoops of sand.

We still garden...

Daddy Time
Wesley sometimes helps Casey with his woodworking projects. Here he is rasping.

This image makes my heart swell...Wes after waking from a nap on a hot day, and continuing said nap in Daddy's arms...

Brooke was in the final weeks of finishing her Master's program, so we watched Kaira for a couple hours each morning for a couple weeks. It was fun to watch them play so much. They got along really well, with the occasional easily managed skirmish. I felt like it was really good for them to practice managing interpersonal relationships so frequently. They are both pretty attuned and responsive to the other's needs, and respond to suggestions of taking turns, etc, most of the time.

They loved to make each other drinks and food at the play kitchen and were very engaged in imaginative play together. 

Yogurt Time

It was fun to see them working and playing together. Lots of cuteness...

Stringing Beads

Wednesday evening Farmer's Markets are in full swing now. Casey works the day shift on Wednesdays now, so we can all enjoy the festivities together. We walked to the market with Uncle Jesse whose hand Wesley chose to hold across each street.

The Petaluma Wildlife Museum is often at the market with their snakes and turtles...

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