Wesley is 27 months old.
He makes us laugh, sometimes because he's trying to be funny, and sometimes just because what he says is so surprising we can hardly believe it. There is so much surprising cuteness at this age.
He is very friendly and talkative. If someone says hi to us when we are out and about, he is quick to start chatting them up which is surprising to many adults. Sometimes they can't understand everything he's saying, but he is quick to engage in conversation with them.
Wesley is a Strider Biking Wiz. It is a pedal-less bike on which Wes glides down the road. He's so fast--he can easily outpace us, which allows us to cover more distance around town. It's lightweight and he can move it around with ease. I am shocked at the kids of bumps and uneven roads he can manage. We stride up the streets noting the model and make of the cars we see.
Man pruning hedges: Nice bike.
Wesley (stops bike): It's a Strider Bike. (Runs his finger along word Strider slowly saying) s-t-r-i-d-e-r bike. It doesn't have any pedals. I just use my feet. I like my Strider bike. I go fast. Just no pedals. I go all the way to town. I saw the boats. Then I come back. Sometimes my tire get dirty. This is my Strider bike. It's blue.
Man (surprised look): Oh, yes
I can't remember the rest of the conversation, but Wes kept talking for maybe three more minutes before we moved on. So sweet and ready to engage.
And, when you miss your Strider bike ride...a tunnel will do.
His imaginary and "real" world experiences still blend seamlessly. The stories he tells are often surprising, though filled with familiar characters (trucks, construction equipment, planes, various animals). He also really likes to explain how things work, or what happens detail by detail, play by play (which I find adorable).
Conversation 1:
Wes: "And I saw a Camero. It was a convertible! It put down the roof and then it was a shiny Porsche convertible!"
Me: "You mean it transformed into a Porsche?"
Wes: "Yes!" (then proceed to repeat the same explanation about it formerly being a Camero)
Conversation 2:
::Looking at the globe::
Me: And that big country there is Russia
Wes: Russia! I used to live in Russia. I had just a little bit of food and water.
Conversation 3:
"This is Emily's coal. You put the coal in the steam engine and burn it to give energy to make it go. Steam comes out the smokestack"
One interesting development is that when we tell Wes he can't do something, he says, "I read the instructions..." and then it seems like he wants to change what the instructions said to make them in his favor, but he doesn't quite know how to lie yet. I told him that he was only allowed to have one vitamin because that's what the instructions was healthy for a kid of his age. He'll ask for another vitamin throughout the day and say, "I read the instructions...", or he'll ask for various things he wants and say the same.
Tea Time
We've had some lovely tea parties. Wes is so careful in his pouring and has gotten to the point where he will very rarely overflow our cups. "Would you like some cream in your tea?". Why yes, thank you, Wesley.
Life with a little brother is a big adjustment. Wes is often very sweet with Sabien. There is also a hearty dose of stress and jealousy around the situation, but we'll focus on the sweetness for now.
Construction site matching letters game.
Matching the letters is easy for him, but he really loves it. It's good coordination practice as he backs up his dump truck and dumps the load. It was very fun and good practice for starting sounds and quick letter identification. He would fill up his dump truck at the work site, and then deliver the load to the appropriate letter. We also play the same game with the front loader.
Wes has started reading Sabien's baby books. He runs his fingers across the big, bold words and "sounds them out", saying them very slowly. He has also started noticing more letters in words on the page when we read to him. He will read us books that he has memorized. He has all of the little turns of speech, each word exactly committed to memory. I love it when he reads me books.
Despite the fact that our house often looks like a tornado wreck, there is so much orderliness in Wesley's play. Trains line up precisely. Cars do, too.
And Oma came to visit which was great fun as always.
Wesley has an increased interest in numbers. He can now count up to six. I think he understands the one to one correspondence of numbers 1-3, but not higher. Meaning he can point to objects and count three, recognizes when he sees one-three dots, etc.
Potty Time
Wesley has basically home daytime potty trained himself this month, at least for now. He has worn mostly underwear at home for the last few weeks, at his request. Grandma M had sent some cool underwear a couple months ago. He was interested in them for awhile, inconsistently, and then all of a sudden he decided he wanted them.
At first he had a few accidents, then just with number two, or would ask for a diaper when he knew he had to go. But now he is going consistently on the potty all day long. I rarely ask him if he needs to go, but he tells me and then wants help and company.
We have been putting a diaper on him when we go out of the house, for our ease. However, we've tried a few outings with undies, because he has started saying he wants to wear his underwear out, too. I just have to remember to ask him when he comes back home, or else he'll have been holding it, but forget to go on the potty. It definitely adds a challenging element when I'm out with the boys on my own, so we stay close to home with just the three of us and underwear.
I'm glad he decided he wanted to on his own, because I certainly didn't know how I'd increase his interest beyond what it has been (spotty) at various points. Also, it's really hard to change a diaper with a baby in the carrier, but not so hard to pull down pants for the potty.
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