I am a thirty-something. In my thirties. No longer a thirty-year-old. That seems like a bigger step in some ways than 30. Not at the threshold, but past it, securely in the next decade.
I look around myself, and I see a shift. Things are, perhaps, getting a bit easier. I remind myself of that statement on the days when the boys take turns screaming and throwing themselves and random objects around the house. However, on the whole, things have smoothed.
It has been an intense year, but I foresee a lot of transition and fun for us in the coming year. It's hard to believe that by my next birthday we'll have a 4.5 year old and a 2.5 year old. That will be very different. They are really quite adorably brotherly kids running around so much of the time these days. And, I can leave the house, usually, without any crying or even without a blink of the eye. Just simple hugs, kisses, and "Bubye"s. It offers some openness.
I was thoroughly celebrated on my birthday. My birthday was a Monday, so I actually got an entire birthday weekend, plus then a celebration on Tuesday. WOW!
A sushi date with Casey on Friday night brought back memories of our first sushi date 11 years ago when I turned 20. We had Indian Food Lunch Buffet on Sunday. The boys gobbled it, as did we. Solo time and met a friend on my actual birthday evening after a somewhat bumpy day with the boys. That was lovely.
Then on Tuesday, I thought I was going to dinner with Patricia, Donald, Jesse & Lisa and our family and who should appear but EVERYONE! It was such a total and wonderful surprise at the yummy restaurant to have friend after friend appear. The bummer was that then Patricia and Donald couldn't make it due to a cold. The event certainly was a wonderful treat, and wow that people had coordinated it for me was so special!
I felt glowing with love and so full of appreciation for all of our wonderful community that surrounds us. And I was so surprised! I would have underestimated just how extra special it felt to be unexpectedly surprised with so much love and celebration. And sneaky thoughtfulness on the part of Casey and my extended family. It was wonderful. I have been walking around all day feeling so warm and happy from it.
Melissa, I am so glad that you were well celebrated! You bring such joy to so many people, and it is fun to give back. May your thirty-something years bring you deep satisfaction and fulfillment. Much love, Patricia