Saturday, November 17, 2012

28 months

Some Wesley quotes from this month...

When told not to throw pumpkin seeds off the balcony when carving pumpkins...
"I'll throw them down there and the birds can eat them"

When playing with his lion figurine...
"this is a nice lion. he doesn't roar. he won't eat you. he eats lion tofu".

When reading a book featuring a swamp thing...
"What do swamp things eat...Swamp nuts"

 "Hamsters sad in cage"

When told we'd read The Princess Bride before bed...
"No. I want to read Hemmingway"

Randomly and frequently...
"The Giants won the whole series!"

One night while playing and eating...
"The baby turned into broth and lentils! and I ate him...yum yum yum" (while pretending to eat Sabien).

One day when we were out walking, we saw a big tree that had been cut down. We were talking about how it would be chopped up for firewood, or maybe put in a chipper.
Then Wes got upset and said, "Put it back together!" 
I said that I couldn't to which he replied,
"big trees cut down makes me sad"

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