Friday, November 12, 2010

Friends in Far Away Places

I move around a lot.

I lived in six cities growing up. Casey and I haven't lived in any location for more than a year and a half since leaving college five years ago. In that time, we've lived in eight different residences not including tr
avel abroad, numerous house-sitting gigs, and repeated extended stays with Casey's parents.

As such many of our favorite people live far from us.

It is not the length of time living near someone that creates the depth of friendship. Some of my strongest bonds have been formed in short periods of time. I think about these friends often, they are part of my daily life. My thoughts turn to them when I need to find hope and inspiration. Because I am horrible (at best) with phone contact, stretches between communications is often far too long.

We realized this week that we only lived in the same location as our friend Joel for one sweet year during college. Seven years later, we continue to fantasize about extricating him from Spokane, and having him nearer to us. Until then, we will cherish the visits like the one we just had.

The men share the traditional New Baby cigars

We made good use of our extra daylight savings hour.

This is what they were wearing when Joel arrived

Wesley thought Joel was hilarious.

And comfortable.

Joel's visit was so special. To have our friend see our lives as we transition to parenthood, to have him come from so far, and to have him meet Wesley felt amazing. I hadn't foreseen how powerful it would be to see one another in the context of motherhood. It felt grounding, like a placeholder amid of all of my internal rearranging.

1 comment:

  1. i miss you my friend in a faraway place. and wow, wesley is so big and BEAUTIFUL! i cannot wait to meet him.
